My group's research focus is interdisciplinary, examining the relationships between behaviour, ecology and animal welfare, as well as public attitudes to animals. The current main model species are cattle, water buffalo, goats and chickens. I have particular interest in vocal communication, which has resulted in research from deer to broiler chickens.
Our feral cattle research website: https://hkcattleresearch.org/
Our feral buffalo research website: https://www.hkbuffaloresearch.org/
I am an Associate Professor at the University of Copenhagen. I have over 15 years of experience in research on animal behaviour. My group, the Behavioural Ecology Group, focuses on the behaviour of vertebrates, and in particular mammals and birds, with species as varied as whales, macaques, zebras, giraffes, horses, goats and parakeets. Its main projects combine the topics of acoustic communication, emotions, and social networks, with a strong incentive to generate information that could help improving animal welfare (farm species and captive animals), and conservation (threatened species in the wild). I am very keen on improving ethics both for research conducted on farm and in the wild.

After graduation I entered rural veterinary practice and worked with a range of production livestock and companion animal species. Following this, I returned to academia, completing my PhD on wastage and productivity of commercial ewes. My current research is focused on productivity, management, behaviour and welfare of large animals. I am very interested in improving ethics for research conducted on farms or utilising data related to farmers and their livestock.
I am an Assistant Professor in the Veterinary Technology Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University. My research interests are in animal behaviour and welfare. My previous research work has investigated the stereotypic behaviours in stabled horses, the behaviour of stray dogs in the temples, and the behaviours of Thai native chickens. I am currently interested in zoo animal welfare (reptiles) in Thailand. I am willing to enhance the point of view about animal ethics, to do the right thing in the research career.

Postdoctoral researcher, Department of Livestock and Veterinary Science - ANIVET Behaviour, Stress and Welfare, Aarhus University
I finished my PhD at the University of Roehampton, UK in April 2023. The focus of my research was on the cognitive abilities underpinning social relationships between humans and goats (identity recognition and emotional discrimination), exploring the potential ultimate explanations, including the influence of domestication, as well as the implications of these abilities from a welfare perspective. In addition, I aimed to help develop existing research methodologies used to measure emotions and welfare in animals, specifically measuring surface temperatures in goats using thermal imaging. In March this year I have started a postdoc at Aarhus University, investigating positive welfare in pigs and ruminants.
I have an interdisciplinary background and a cross faculty position in science and social sciences. My main interests are interactions between humans and wildlife, particularly in the context of conservation. My team works primarily with elephants and wild boars on topics from how we communicate with animals to feeding, mercy release and wildlife trade. I'm very interested in how issues of human and animal ethics and welfare intersect in our research.


I am a neuroscientist and psychopharmacologist. My group works with zebrafish to try to understand of the biology of neurodevelopmental, neuropsychiatric, and neurodegenerative disorders. I have a background in animal behaviour and a long standing interest in research ethics, particularly relating to laboratory animal experiments.
I am Associate Professor in the Large Animal Medicine and Surgery Department at the School of Veterinary Medicine, St George’s University. I am an equine vet with research interests in equine lameness, equine welfare, working equids and veterinary education. My work currently focuses on the impact of load carrying on working donkeys and novel approaches to teaching. I am particularly interested in improving animal welfare in teaching. I am also passionate about the welfare of retired racehorses.

I am an Associate Professor at the Veterinary Faculty of the Universidad Austral de Chile located in Valdivia, Chile. My research focus is applied animal behaviour and welfare, in our group we have been studying different aspects of working equids welfare, including physiological responses to work, human-animal interactions and behaviour. I am also part of the animal care and use committee at the University, a role that motivates me to promote ethical practices in science and amongst scientists.